Mobile Number Details With Name and Address in Pakistan

The use of mobile phones has become ubiquitous in Pakistan, with over 161 million mobile phone users as of 2021. With the widespread use of mobile phones comes the need for reliable and accurate information about mobile phone numbers, including the name and address of the owner. In this article, we will explore the various ways to obtain this information in Pakistan. Mobile Number Details With Name and Address in Pakistan

Legal Ways to Obtain Mobile Phone Number Information in Pakistan

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is the regulatory body for the telecommunications industry in Pakistan. The PTA maintains a database of mobile phone numbers in the country and is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of this information.

To obtain information about a mobile phone number in Pakistan, individuals can contact the PTA directly. However, there are certain requirements that must be met before the PTA will release any information. These requirements include providing the mobile phone number, the name of the owner, and a valid reason for requesting the information.

Another way to obtain mobile phone number information in Pakistan is by contacting the mobile phone service provider. All mobile phone service providers in Pakistan are required by law to maintain records of their customers’ personal information, including their name and address. This information is kept confidential and is only released under certain circumstances, such as with a court order or for the purposes of a criminal investigation.

In addition to the PTA and mobile phone service providers, there are also online directories and search engines that claim to provide information about mobile phone numbers in Pakistan. However, the accuracy and reliability of these sources may vary, and it is important to use them responsibly and to respect the privacy of individuals.

Challenges and Concerns with Obtaining Mobile Phone Number Information in Pakistan

While there are legal ways to obtain mobile phone number information in Pakistan, there are also challenges and concerns associated with this practice. One of the main challenges is ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information obtained.

Inaccurate or unreliable information can lead to misunderstandings, false accusations, and even legal action. Therefore, it is important to verify any information obtained through the PTA or mobile phone service providers before using it for any purpose.

Another concern with obtaining mobile phone number information in Pakistan is privacy. The privacy of individuals is protected by law, and obtaining personal information without consent or for illegal purposes is a violation of their rights. Therefore, it is important to use any information obtained through legal means responsibly and to respect the privacy of individuals.

There are also concerns about the security of personal information, particularly with regards to online directories and search engines. There have been instances of data breaches and misuse of personal information in the past, which has led to calls for greater oversight and regulation of these services.


Obtaining information about mobile phone numbers in Pakistan can be a useful tool for individuals and organizations. However, it is important to do so responsibly and through legal means. The PTA and mobile phone service providers are reliable sources of information, and online directories and search engines should be used with caution. Mobile Number Details With Name and Address in Pakistan

It is also important to respect the privacy of individuals and to ensure the accuracy and reliability of any information obtained. By doing so, we can use mobile phone number information in Pakistan as a tool for positive change while protecting the privacy and rights of individuals. For More Tips and Tricks, you can Subscribe us on YouTube.

7 thoughts on “Mobile Number Details With Name and Address in Pakistan”

  1. I really appreciate the effort that has gone into compiling this information. It is very helpful for people who are looking to move to Pakistan.

  2. I really appreciate the effort that has gone into compiling this information. It is very helpful for people who are looking to move to Pakistan.


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